After 3 months of coronavirus lockdown
the workshop is open for coop members
From 4th July London Green Wood is open to coop members only. LGW aims to provide a covid safe workspace for members who feel comfortable to attend. Members are under no obligation to attend the workshop and those who are not yet able to, or do not want to, have the option of suspending their membership fee until they are ready to return.
Courses are due to restart from 28th July. Our monthly volunteering sessions are on hold for the time being. There will also be no public access in the near future, although we still welcome visitors by prior arrangement. If you’d like to come in and see what we do please contact us in advance.
We do not require anyone to wear masks, as we are able to maintain social distancing, but feel free to wear one if it makes you feel safer.
All those visiting the workshop are required to sign in and leave a telephone no. for track and trace purposes (for more information on how we will use this data, see our Privacy Policy).
What we ask of you before coming to the workshop:
- If you have symptoms of Covid-19 or have been exposed to someone who has tested postitive, stay home (how to request a test and what to do if you have symptoms).
- If you can please travel to the workshop on foot or by bike. Car parking is available (subject to water works outside the park).
- If you need to use public transport to access the workshop wear a face mask, as required by government guidance.
What we ask of you at the workshop:
- Wash your hands upon arrival. Please also wash hands before eating, as usual.
- Cleaning all tools after use and if passing to another person (anti viral wipes are provided). Wash hands before cleaning tools.
- Maintain a 2m distance between yourself and others.
- Bring your own PPE is needed (gloves for moving timber, fingerless gloves, masks and googles). Those wanting to use the linisher must bring their own PPE, this is not a excuse not to wear PPE where it is needed.
- Wash your hands within the workshop before using the communal areas e.g. tea room and toilets.
- No longer bring biscuits and snacks to share.
- Until government track and trace system is fully operational, anyone who has used the workshop who subsequently tests positive for Covid-19 is requested to inform Jo Clarke or Dave Evers.
We will:
- Provide an outdoor handwashing station (soap and water) within the workshop, alcohol gel and anti-viral wipes.
- Limit the max. no. of people in the workshop, to allow for social distancing.
- Send anyone home who becomes unwell at the workshop and advise them to follow the stay at home guidance.
- Make signage in the workshop to remind everyone of these measures.
- Designate a keyholder each day to take responsibility for Health and Safety, including coronavirus control measures.
- Clean other objects and surfaces that are touched regularly on a daily basis, e.g. gate, padlocks, handwashing station.
- If advised that anyone who has been at the workshop has developed Covid-19, we will contact everyone who has been at the workshop at the same time as that person and advise them of track and trace guidance.
- Print these instructions and our coronavirus risk assessment so that they are available at the workshop.
Our risk assessments are available for other organisations and people to use and edit for non-commercial purposes only (this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License).